
Side channel blowers are a highly reliable and efficient technology that can be used in most industries: packaging, transport, energy, board and laser cutting, draining drums, filling tankers and more.


Increasing oxygen levels and mixing water


Loading and unloading raw material

CNC Routers

Control materials while being cut

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Olympias Side Channel Blower / Vacuum pumps are ideal for aerating (increasing the oxygen levels) and mixing water in small to medium size bodies of water such as tanks, ponds and small lakes.

There are many ways to aerate a pond or tank, including paddle wheels, fountains and surface aerators but one of the most efficient and successful ways to achieve aeration and mixing can be achieved through the infusion of air into the bottom of the tank or pond using a Side Channel Blower.


Air pressure and vacuum technology is used to transport a wide range of raw materials and products.

Product is moved by suspending it in an air flow generated by a blower in pressure or vacuum mode.

CNC Routers

CNC routers can be a demanding application for vacuum pumps. The vacuum pump is used to hold down material as it is being cut by the CNC router. This method is commonly applied when cutting wood, MDF, plastic and aluminium.

The advantage that Olympias Side Channel Blower / Vacuums can offer is the high flow rates compared to dry vane pumps.


Olympias Side Channel Blowers

Side Channel Blowers

Single phase and Three Phase Side Channel Blowers

Olympias compressors


Premium performance and reliable technology

Olympias accessories


Parts and Accessories for our blowers and compressors

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Auckland, New Zealand